Startups – How to tell your Story?

The need for a strong brand equity

The story of your startup is an essential tool for marketing your company. It’s the tale you tell about how you started out and what you’re doing now, and it gives potential customers a way to connect with you on a human level. But if you can’t tell that story well, it can be detrimental to your business. Here are some tips on how to craft an effective narrative that resonates with your target audience:

Defining WHO you are

Branding is the process of creating a unique name, visual identity and other distinguishing features of a product or service. It’s essential for marketing because it helps your company stand out from competitors and make customers feel like they’re getting something special. In order to communicate who you are and what you stand for, branding is an essential part of marketing. It can be used as a way to differentiate yourself from competitors by creating something that sets your business apart from others in the same industry. 

brand, story, startup, bangalore

What is your STORY?

As a founder, you have a unique opportunity to tell your company’s story. You can do this by sharing your vision for the product or service that you have built, as well as the problems it will solve and how it will change people’s lives.

Your startup story is the most important thing you can do. It’s the way you connect with customers, investors and talent.

Your story should tell your company’s journey from inception to success—and how you will maintain that success as your business grows. A good narrative has three parts:

  • The beginning (i.e., “how we got here”)

  • The middle (i.e., “what we’ve done so far”)

  • The end (i.e., “where we’re going next”).

Learning to tell your startup story is essential to success.

  • Why it’s so important: Your story defines you and your company, so if you aren’t telling it effectively, you’re missing out on the most important thing you can do as an entrepreneur.
  • How to tell your story: Start by identifying what makes you unique and then focus on those aspects in each of the different stages of building a company (from idea stage through growth). Use these stories as conversation starters when talking with customers or investors; they’ll help them understand who they’re dealing with and why they should care.

You can’t just tell your story, though. It’s the most important thing you can do as a startup founder, but it’s also one of the hardest things to master.

There are two reasons why telling your startup story is so important:

First and foremost, there’s no better way to connect with customers than by using storytelling techniques—and if you really want them on board with what you’re doing (and who doesn’t?), then getting them hooked in early on is essential for success. The second reason why telling stories is so crucial is because they help investors get inside our heads (and hearts). Investors want to see how we think about ourselves and our business; they want to know how we see ourselves growing over time—what our vision looks like; what makes us unique from others; etcetera…


If your startup is a good fit for this list, it’s likely that the story of how it started will be compelling to potential investors. Make sure you know these stories by heart and have them down on paper so that you can repeat them whenever needed.

If there is one thing that will take your startup to the next level, it’s telling a story. Stories engage people and get them excited about what you do. The best part about storytelling? It doesn’t have to cost anything at all!

Take some time to think about how you want people to perceive your business. What kind of values do you want them to feel when they hear about it? How can you tell their story in a way that aligns with those values? Once you know this, it will be much easier for others to connect with what makes your company special.